Is Wanting a Real Relationship Your Dirty Little Secret?

It starts with a hushed voice mixed with a little trepidation and after colossal deep breath, they struggle to utter one little phrase, “I want to be in a relationship.” Whew, they feel a slight relief in sharing their dirty little secret.

The first time I encountered this, I quickly attended to my client sitting in front of me and gave the experience no second thought. But I’ve come to encounter this “dirty” disclosure so many times that it finally caused me to pause and consider how wanting a relationship became taboo in an ever evolving and progressive dating culture.

Upon reflection, I realized I have also been embarrassed at my desire for wanting commitment in the age of situationships. While I certainly had periods where relationships were not aligned with my current needs, there were also periods I wanted a more traditional courtship. I would struggle with what I can only describe as shame and guilt for wanting more than a “go with flow” unattached fling. I would criticize my desire and judge my motives. I then sheepishly indulged these longings in the privacy of my innermost thoughts.

As a licensed psychologist and sex therapist, I’ve observed that shame and fear are often at the heart of our dirty little secrets. We judge ourselves for being deviant, wrong, or broken. We fear those around us will misunderstand, judge, or criticize us for who we are. We doubt we can find what we actually need. Worse, we are terrified of speaking it into reality and still coming up short. To alleviate this tension, we stuff our truths down. We submerge ourselves in the latest trend until we feel accepted, safe, and completely hidden. The expansion of online dating and the dismantling of traditional relationship structures is the latest trend to elicit an old pattern of behaving.

Don’t get me wrong, I celebrate the relational and sexual diversity that’s been able to explode in the last couple decades. Social media platforms and professionals are giving much needed spotlight to non-monogamy, casual sex, and pleasure as a goal in and of itself. No longer is the “walk of shame” a penance for healthy sexuality. Feeling more emboldened to liberate themselves from parenthood, marriage, and monogamy, these adults unabashedly celebrate singledom.

But is singledom for everyone at every moment? And what does it say about you if you do want the outdated tradition known as a relationship? My opinion…long-term relationships, monogamy, and marriage are NOT dirty secrets. As a sexual liberation advocate, I do not promote sexual liberation at the sacrifice of more traditional forms of intimacy and bonding. Liberation is a matter of expansion and inclusion…not substitution.

What exactly do I mean by this? As I further explored these experiences, it became apparent that many young and middle aged adults denounced relationships in the spirit of progression. For this group, relationships and monogamy have become synonymous with patriarchy, oppression, and ignorance. The desire to be a significant other was no longer encompassed as one of MANY ways to experience intimacy and connection. Instead of pausing to reflect on individual values, needs, and wants, many just swapped one autopilot for another. That is not liberation but does camouflage you well.

  • What if wanting a long-term committed relationship is as evolved as wanting singledom?

  • What if monogamy is as amazing and fulfilling as non-monogamy?

  • What if you are able to freely move along these spectrums based on your current wants and needs?

  • What if progression is one’s ability to pause, reflect, and discern these ever fluctuating needs unique to each of us?

True sexual liberation is your ability to identify and communicate your wants and needs in whatever way they look at a given time. Celebrate being single. Embody a liberated sexuality. Own when you want something different. You are closer to finding what you want when you feel confident in wanting it. Stop making wanting to have a relationship your dirty little secret.

To learn more about Dr. Joyriel’s work please visit or email her at


I am often asked what I mean when touting the phrase “thriving from ashes.” While it’s a catchy one-liner, the meaning is not the most obvious. Allow me to clarify here. Let’s start with ashes. 

Ashes derive from fire. Fire’s duality to both create and destroy has always been intriguing and is synonymous with most human experiences. For instance, trauma has the ability to produce both immense devastation and remarkable growth. Even more interesting is how creation and destruction are not mutually exclusive occurrences.  One can often be the catalyst for the other. I experienced this as my marriage crumbled and my concept of self went with it. It was gut-wrenching. However, as that version of me withered and burned to ashes, space was created for this current version of me to form and blossom.

This leads to the concept of thriving. What does it mean to thrive? The more definitive meaning is to grow vigorously or to prosper. However, prosperity and growth are more nuanced and particular to individual determination based on values and goals. It will look different depending on where you are in life and which growth edges you deem as connected to achieving a more desirable life. There is the potential to have as many definitions for thriving as there are those who want to thrive. There is, however, one requisite that precedes thriving for everyone: it is the ability to let ashes be ashes and not try to put the ashes back together again. Thriving from ashes means acknowledging the decay in your life that no longer serves you, accepting that looking back is futile, and allowing yourself to transform your life into something new that radiates and flourishes.